Are your mental and physical capabilities at an impasse right now?

You may find yourself wondering how liberating it would feel if you had the confidence that you could be as resilient as you were in your twenties and have movement in all aspects of your life without limitations to function @ peak performance for longevity.

On paper, your life may appear to be going pretty smoothly. The perfect home is finally yours, you have the car of your dreams, your efforts and enterprise are fruitful and successful. Nevertheless, have you given any thought to how your inner happiness matches up to your outer success? Have you sacrificed your body and health to build your business? Does your current state of health, physique, fitness, vitality, and personal life correspond?

Do you find yourself frustrated?

  • Feeling like there is a disconnect between your professional achievements and your personal achievements but you don’t have the time and headspace with all the commitments you have to bridging the gap.

  • Whilst under pressure, even when the healthiest eating habits go out the window

  • Even though you know exercise helps reduce stress but you decide to skip it, possibly due to a fear of getting an injury and pain.

  • But choose an alcoholic beverage to help wind down, paying the price for it the next day.

Maybe you've tried to get back on track after realizing how far you've strayed…….

You may have hired a personal trainer in the past, counting calories and eating lean turkey for supper every night, eventually reverting to your old ways, ending up in even worse shape than before.

Unmanaged stress will always undermine your efforts to slim down, improve your appearance, and boost your overall health and well-being.

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Let's get clear on what is actually happening………

Stress is always going to sabotage your intentions of getting lean, looking the part, and feeling healthy from the inside out, if you haven’t got a system.

The right plan will need to work around crap happening, even for the busiest of workloads.

You can't escape stress entirely, it is part and parcel of the land.

What's the good news?

If you accept that stress is inevitable, you can begin to see how it contributes to your propensity to make poor decisions.

Instead of saying "I'll do something about it when I'm less stressed,” decide to do something about it now.

Wishing or hoping for something doesn't change it on its own, your actions do.

...the only certainties in life seem to be death and taxes, right?

Both are undeniable facts, yet we may make the clichéd "only things in life" even more stressful.

Hence, rather than believing you can get rid of it, realize that you merely need techniques to prevent it from derailing your wellness objectives for longevity

The pursuit of worldly prosperity and professional achievement is important, but true wealth also includes the maintenance of one's physical and emotional wellbeing.

Those two things are linked very closely together.

Having good health is the ultimate form of wealth.

If you don't have it, the promise of achievement might leave you feeling burned out and trapped in a "Groundhog Day" existence.

It's important to strive for balance in your life, where your outer success is matched with inner fulfilment.

Your physical and mental well-being play a crucial role in determining your ability to perform at your best in the workplace.

A healthy body and mind can help you stay focused, motivated, and energized, which are all essential for success in any field.

You deserve to look and feel your best, both in and out of the office.

Is it time to take action and upgrade your health and well-being to function at peak performance?

There is a way to go from where you are now, to where you truly desire to be.

Want to know more?

If we decide to work together, I will lead you through an 8-week intensive 1-on-1 coaching programme, starting with a custom foundation built on your present strengths and the greatest place for you to be.

What we would focus on is as follows

  • Investigate your physical, digestive and mental health in depth in order to identify and remove any obstacles.
  • Determine what you value most in life and cultivate self-awareness in order to safeguard your energy and integrity while remaining in harmony.
  • Identify effective reactors to your growing sense of self-awareness, individuality and confidence in all facets of your existence.
  • We will aim to improve your self-assurance, mental clarity, and ability to set healthy boundaries.
  • Establish a set of high-performance routines into your daily life that are absolutely mandatory.
  • Construct an encouraging environment that discourages procrastination and encourages results.
  • Identify and find more internal sources of energy, inspiration, selfconfidence and happiness.

We will start with a 1:1 deep-dive conditioning assessment to outline areas that need most improvement.

Let’s focus on the big six:

Detox, sleep, gut-immune health, mental stress and body alignment and activity.

Are you ready to function @ peak performance?

Build your weekly program around nutrition, training, recovery, repeat model and methods and progression. From there we will meet 1:1 weekly for 7 weeks for 60 to 90 minutes to review progress, maintain progress and make any tweaks or adjustments necessary, whilst also diving into specific coaching to address key areas that are outlined in assessment.

$3,500 in full or payment plans can be offered. All sessions delivered via zoom and recording and specific movements/programs/guided audios will be emailed.

Together we will work on truly building a solid foundation to function at peak performance.